How much does that bale of cotton weigh? Well, these scales at the Old Depot Museum will tell you. Soon, cotton picking season will be here, and while our area doesn't have nearly as many cotton fields as it once did, the crop of white fiber is still showy as the the stalks stretch to the horizon.
This is fascinating. I've seen photos of cotton on the twig, as it were. Indeed have seen it in reality in a vase but this is somethng else. I'm looking forward to more cotton pics. I agree with Kate - great lessons here along with fab photos.
it seems to be very heavy...I guess more then 100 kg
Oh, I'm looking forward to a photo of the white cotton fields! I hope there's a good harvest this year.
What a beautiful photo for a regional lesson for us bloggers!
This is fascinating. I've seen photos of cotton on the twig, as it were. Indeed have seen it in reality in a vase but this is somethng else. I'm looking forward to more cotton pics. I agree with Kate - great lessons here along with fab photos.
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