The Busiest Intersection
The Broad Street/Highland Avenue intersection is probably Selma's busiest. Head straight, and you will be in downtown Selma. The visitor center is just past the light. Go right, and you'll be on "the strip," where you'll find several fast-food restaurants, motels and eventually Medical Center Parkway. Turn left, and you can shop at the mall, Wal-Mart, Winn-Dixie, find more motels or head to Prattville on Highway 14. Turn onto the bypass to go on to Montgomery. Turn around, and you'll find a couple of funeral homes, car dealerships, banks, auto repair places and the community college. Keep going, and you will be in Valley Grande and from there, you might end up in Birmingham! This photo was take a few months ago during the Great Drought, and the haze you see up ahead is smoke blown our way from those fires that burned forever in south Georgia!
Seems like they are trying to set the world's record for most highway signs at one intersection.
--steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo
Almost all our cities now have these ubiquitous scenes - they could be any city in the U.S. I am so pleased though to know, through you, that Selma still is uniquely itself in so many ways.
You know, I could gaze at this photo for hours, it's both hectic and serene. it seems to show the past and the present. Perhaps the pace and quality of life is right and the people love their town. I certainly get that feeling.
I lived in Selma back in the sixties and attended school at South Side High.
I have many fond memories of Selma and remember many people, some who still reside there.
These photos certainly take me back there even though the town has grown as all towns do.
Thank you for sharing these with those who remember.
Thanks for your comments.
Steve, that is a lot of signs...not but about four on the other side of the intersection, and I think it is because this side is the truck route, whereas the other side comes in from downtown...definitely NOT a truck route.
Annie, this is probably this least unique of my Selma photos!
m.benaut, Just sitting at the traffic light can be interesting. It's amazing how many vehicles from all over everywhere travel through here.
Fladogtrainer, thanks for visiting! It's always great to have former Selmians come back home, if only through the Internet!
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