Don't forget to visit other tombstones and cemeteries around the City Daily Photo Blog world! I can hear them summoning you now... better get going!
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Looks like a cemetery with character ... nice perspective on the shot, too.
I like the idea of the tour.
Sydney Daily Photo
Great shot - love the perspective. Love that tours are made of cemeteries - even if it is a ghost tour! This must be a very beautiful place.
A big monument. Good choice for the theme.
An unique angle. Ghost tours? Sounds like Halloween!
un tres beau tombeau, tres impressionnant
a very beautiful tomb, very impressive
What an amazing monument! I love the angel, and it gives off a sort or sorrowful, calm feel. Very nice indeed!
Beautiful momument -- I especially like the perspective you chose wtih the photo.
Very cool shot!
Great angle for your shot, quite beautiful.
Port Angeles Daily Photo
Wow, très joli. I didn't know there were such beautiful monuments in American cemeteries.
You visited my second post of the day, not the main one :-)) It seemed to me that today it was normal to pay homage to le père Lachaise but my main photos are those of the old cemetery in Carcassonne.
This is a really nice cemetery, if I can say that. Maybe I'm weird, but I enjoy walking through old cemeteries and looking at how ornate gravestones and monuments used to be. Some of them would be things of beauty even in a different setting.
Impressive photo for the theme--thanks for getting it at that perspective. I imagine the tours will sell out, don't you?
Nice photography.
Beautiful, interesting perspective too.
i like the persective of your photo, very impressive !
Lovely photo--what a stunning monument!
Thanks for your visit to Arlington DP!
very beautiful monument.
How interesting that it is also an outdoor museum :-)
That is very large in fitting, a cemetery to house a haunted history tour.
Thanks for your comments. I have enjoyed visiting your cemeteries and tombstones too.
While I said that Old Live Oak is an "outdoor museum," it is not billed as a museum. It just has so many historic and beautiful monuments that it might as well be considered a "museum."
The angle really makes this shot interesting. Sorry about the late comment -- we've been away from the computer for a couple days.
--steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo
Great theme day photo!
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