Even young children like Oldies music! The Fabulous Shades were among several music groups featured at Saturday's Riverfront Market Day in downtown Selma. The weather was perfect for the event: blue skies, low humidity, high around 80. Look for more Market Day pictures this week.
Looks like there were oldies and youngies!
Low humidity--I know how blissful that is for y'all and how much more fun it made for those enjoying the music.
That little girl reminds me of the one I have in a photo today on my other blog http://mamamepdx.blogspot.com/
She's way down at the bottom of a bunch photos, riding her tricycle fast.
Oldies but goldies !
I like the red shirt.
Great shot.
A great way to spend a Saturday, outside listening to live music.
they are so nice to look at and i bet they do good music too.
I see that you like spider webs also. Really nice picture, in fact all of your pictures are nice and colorful!
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