This appears to be a rusty high-wheel bike anchored in front of The Harmony Club residence on Water Avenue, although it's missing some parts.
The two-wheelers became quite popular during the 1880s but were very expensive and owned primarily by young men with financial means. The average worker could expect to save six months salary to afford such a luxury. However, he could also expect to have several head-first accidents since the rider sat so high.
Be sure and visit the other heavy and/or light metal photos from around the world!
A very nice photograph of the ancient bicycle. The changes in technology is even clearly evident to me when I compare my first bike to the one I have now. The gear switching, the shock absorbers -- amazing!
I just love this. It actually looks like a modern work of art! beautiful.
I like the old bike. Original choice for the theme day!
Great old bike. A perfect theme day choice. Love all that rust!!!
It's a wonderful choice for theme day! Wouldn't you love to take a spin on it? I wonder how difficult balance would be?
Great choice for theme day and very cool sculpture. Well done!
Happy Theme Day!
Great post for theme day
Great shot!
o wow that is some gorgeous looking piece of metal.
shucks I don't think my first comment stuck - that is one serious piece of metal.
I like this. The rust adds to the overall effect. Perfect for theme day :)
WOW! very cool. I love old bikes, and good info.
I keep forgetting to sign up for and do the themes, DUH!
I didn't realize the connection to the advancement in metal science. Thanks for this great post.
It certainly looks difficult to ride, and thats not because it old :-).
We are indeed fortunate wit all the new models and inventions we have at our disposal these days.
This makes a great outdoor sculpture and good theme day subject . . . nice!
Great theme photo. I don't know why one of those thick rusty strips reminded me of a chastity belt I saw once.
I love this rusty look. The background and the tree with berries makes the eyes wander...
Such an interesting piece and a wonderful shot.
As you can probably guess, i like the rusty things! I agree with Jilly. . .looks like a piece of art!
don't think I could ride that! :)
It's a very interesing choice of today's theme. Thanks for showing us this remarkable machine.
That's an old bike.
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