Wednesday, October 28, 2015

P is for Pumpkin

Meadowview Christian School's Pumpkin Patch was the PERFECT PLACE 
to find a PICTURE that begins with "P." So I chose this PAINTED PUMPKIN 
that decorates the entrance. It was such a PLEASURE to watch little ones
 when they saw all the PUMPKINS. It was hard for them
 to decide which one to PICK!


William Kendall said...

Very colourful! I wonder if it's a national or local thing for Americans. Churches and schools here don't do that, we get our pumpkins either out at a farm or at the markets.

Janet said...

Must be Americans! Pumpkin patches only recently became popular. I don't even remember any when my boys were young. And they aren't exactly old yet! :)

Unknown said...

In this time of year one sees them all around i presume in countries were they are used in festivities... So a logical and good choice for this weeks letter ;-)

Ingrid said...

I pumpkins were too early this year, now you can hardly find some real once !

Anonymous said...


Reader Wil said...

Pumpkins are getting more and more popular in the Netherlands, although we don't celebrate Halloween like in the USA en Britain.
Thanks for your comment with your kind words.
November is a month of commemorations. My father died in 1959 on 2nd November and my husband on 9th November 1999.
I wish you a great Halloween!
Wil, A BCW Team

Joy said...

Always amazing to see so many in one place.

Roger Owen Green said...

That's kind of batty!


Tanya Breese said...

perfect time for the letter P!

Trubes said...

Wow !
Pumkins everywhere. They weren't popular when I was a child but now
they're 'big business' now, all the big retailers compete to sell
the biggest and the cheapest.
When our girls were little we would have a trip out to the
local farms to pick our pumkin.
Again, the 'big boys' have cornered the market
pushing the prices up.

I love your picture, most colourful.

Happy Halloween,

Best wishes,
ABCW team.

Anonymous said...
