This building was designed by the New York firm of R. & R.M. Upjohn. Its first services were held Easter Sunday, and a number of former Confederate officers were members. They included Lt. Gen. Joseph Johnston, Lt. Gen. Joseph Hardee, Maj. Gen. John H. Forney, Capt. Catesby ap. R. Jones, and Capt. Joseph Forney Johnston, who later became governor of Alabama and a U.S. senator.
Nice angle, makes it looks so tall.
Upjohn, huh. I wonder if his name influenced his choice of design?
Richard Upjohn also designed Trinity Church in New York City and a bunch of other well-known structures, but especially Episcopal churches through out the U.S. Apparently, his son followed in his architecture footsteps.
That is so sharp. I miss bricks. We don't have them here...strange but true. Have a lovely weekend.
Good it is always we remembered our history, because:
Any population forgets his history, he is condemned him to relive, or to be ruined.
That is quite old! Nice building.
Thanks for the visit. About the Nano, it is too tempting to buy. You will just have to wait for it to arrive in North America. Yesterday they showed on TV that there was a unexpected huge crowd outside the car exhibition place and the unruly ones tried to crash in while the disciplined ones were left waiting in lines. The police could not control the melee and the crowd spilled over into the streets causing a huge traffic jam - even before the car came on the road! Even Tata will not be able to fulfill the demand for this car in India. They said that other similar small cars would have to fulfill the need. It is really very amazing that there is so much interest in an "Indian" car from the US and the UK. Different people want it for different reasons - many because it is cute looking and many because of is fuel efficiency. One the businessweek (magazine) website I read reader's comments and one had asked if all the cars in the US were replaced by this car would it make it compliant with the Kyoto protocol (re global warming) and another person had responded that it wont happen - because of the one-upmanship in America people would just buy 3 or 4!! Maybe not this particular car, but hopefully the American dependence on oil could be reduced by such small cars because the mandatory mileage (mpg) requirements seem too far and too little (percentage wise). But I can understand that it is difficult to scale down once you get used to luxury. Fuel is so expensive here but still you won't believe there are so many SUVs here! It is so difficult to maneuver those in the chaotic traffic, but still people buy it. India is aping the American consumerism as the living standards rise here. :(
Wonderful photo capture. You must have been crouched down, to get this great angle.
Every time I see that someone has taken such a shot {Eric had one yesterday, which looked like he was lying on the floor to get it!}, I am so *jealous.* If I got down like that, I'd have to wait for someone to come along and get me up!!! -giggles-
So see that! Be happy you have the ability to crouch to get great shots!!!
Smilnsigh, I never much thought about how great it is that I can still crouch down to take a photo! Thanks for reminding me that not everybody can still do this!
Hyderabad Daily Photo, I will look forward to seeing the Nano make its American debut.
Kostas, I agree with you about history. I don't think enough of it is required in colleges today.
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