Sunday, July 26, 2009

Queen of Peace Catholic Church

The architecture of Queen of Peace Catholic Church is unique in that it was constructed with stones from remains of the old Confederate Arsenal, the second largest munitions industry in the South. The arsenal was destroyed by Union troops in the Battle of Selma. Notice the aqua stained-glass windows on either side of the front door.


Anonymous said...

Very pretty and I love knowing about the stones salvaged from the arsenal. Kind of like melting down swords for plowshares. Cool! Have a blessed Church Sunday!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Very pretty, that aqua glass is quite interesting. Nice architecture!

Day4plus said...

A very peaceful looking church. Like Nikki said--I love where the stones came from. MB

Anonymous said...

Similarly, the Parish Hall at St. Paul's is made from bricks from the old Crocheron home in Cahawba.

Lowell said...

Swords into plowshares, so to speak. Nice-looking building!

Janet said...

Thanks, Nancy. I didn't know that. I understand that St. Andrew's Hall next to Queen of Peace is built from remains of a building at Cahawba too. It would be interesting to know how many homes and buildings in Selma came from or were built from remains at that ghost town.