"A Time for Everything" was the theme of this Ladies' Banquet table. I like the black and white contrast...simple yet elegant. The verse was chosen from Ecclesiastes 3, and I believe it was the subject of the Oldie Goldies song, "Turn, Turn, Turn." The hostess used clear plates and designed the clock and verse theme on white paper underneath. I took this photo before the table was finished...which explains why there are no glasses or coffee cups. The time for adding those was later!
Monday, April 30, 2007
A Time for Everything
Sunday, April 29, 2007
The Ladies' Banquet
"A Virtuous Woman" was the theme of this tablescape at the annual Ladies' Banquet Saturday night. Held at the Selma Convention Center, the event features elaborate decorations based upon Bible verses. Volunteer hostesses plan and bedeck their tables. This year's worship leader was Bonnie Keen, a Christian singer, author and speaker. The interdenominational banquet is a big night out and is sponsored by Elkdale Baptist Church.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Signs of the Times
This feed and seed company operated in an old brick building on Water Avenue for quite a long time. I often purchased Dutch flower bulbs there. Closed now, the store's side view still bears its name.
I wonder what the old signs say. If you look just under the awning (obviously added on), you can still see advertisements from another era.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Art at the Library
One of the high points of visiting the library is viewing the latest artwork displayed by the locals. I'm not an art critic and have no idea if these creations are good or not. But I would like to know what the artist was thinking when he or she designed them.
Sturdivant Hall Museum
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Temple Mishkan Israel
When Selma had a much larger Jewish population, Temple Mishkan Israel regularly served as the place of worship. Built in 1899, the synagogue is primarily used for special services now.
The Jewish presence began growing here in the 1830s. Many came from Western Europe, some to work in early industrialist Phillip John Weaver's 11 businesses or to begin businesses themselves. Others came as merchants, traveling the Alabama River from Mobile to Selma. Through World War II, downtown Selma was dominated by Jewish businesses: Rothschild's, Kayser's, Teppers, Bendersky's, Eagle's, Boston Bargain, Barton's, Adler Furniture, Siegel Automobile, Bloch Brothers Hardware, Schuster Hardware, Hohenberg Cotton Company, Kahn Brick, Lewis Cigar, American Candy.
They were civic-minded as well. Selma has had three Jewish mayors, several city council presidents, chamber of commerce presidents and others. During World War II, refugees from Europe were sponsored by local people.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Selma City Hall
I'm celebrating the one-month anniversary of Selma, Ala. Daily Photo Blog with a picture of City Hall. The modern building offers a bit of Old South flavor with its wrought-iron trim. The municipal complex was built on the site of the old Hotel Albert (view photo here), which was modeled after the Doges Palace in Venice, Italy. The hotel was demolished in the 1960s when funds could not be raised to save it. Since then, Selmians vowed to save their valuable historic structures if at all possible. Looking up the street on this very glary day, is downtown Selma with the Pettus Bridge in the extreme background.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Jacob's Ladder
Our Jacob's Ladder bulbs are blooming, and I have always loved their magenta blooms. I call them Jacob's Ladder, because that is what we call them around here. When I checked the Internet images, there was nothing pictured that looked anything like these. We are sure these are some type of gladiola. So if anybody else has an idea, let me know!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Old Depot Museum

The Old Depot Museum preserves not only Selma's railroad history but the culture of the Black Belt region.
Inside, see relics from Native American civilization to the first Gulf War. Exhibits include arrowheads, a hand-picked bale of cotton with weigh scales, a "cadillac" of horse-drawn carriages, cannonballs recovered from the Alabama River, portraits of the town's five Confederate generals, photos and flyers from the Civil Rights Movement, a collection of late-19th Century photographs of tenant farm families, an antique portrait camera, old-time schoolhouse room and much, much more.
Out back, check out the boxcar and caboose as well as the Firefighters Building which displays Selma's first fire bell, a horse-drawn steam fire pump and an American LaFrance fire truck.
UPDATE: More information about this museum can be found at Things to Do in Selma, Alabama where my photo was published by a writer who did not properly credit Selma, Ala., Daily Photo.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Looking Up
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The Two Bridges
The original bridge opened in 1885 and was destroyed prior to christening the new one on May 25, 1940. River traffic could easily pass beneath the modern Pettus Bridge spans, greatly speeding the journey.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Little John's Homemade Root Beer
This photoblog is for those who got thirsty while checking out the "Refreshments" entry of yesterday.
The lemonade and cherry fizz and root beer are special recipes made by Little John's Root Beer in Kansas. I found a website for them. Just click on the green or go to littlejohnsrootbeer.com or email RootBeerPatty@att.net.
(I do not own any part of their brisk business!)
They strictly sell at period festivals and living history events, and according to web reports, make this delicious brew in their basement. The best part: Keep your antique bottle, and next year (or at another event this year) they will give you a refill at reduced cost! I imagine those Civil War reenactors travel from battle to battle with their Little John's bottles!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Refreshment, the Old-Fashioned Way
Monday, April 16, 2007
Save the Butterfly Day
Selma is also the "Butterfly Capital of Alabama."
I took this photo of a swallowtail in my zinnia bed several years ago and was fortunate to capture it with its wings spread across two flowers. It was used in a local magazine article about "Madame Butterfly," or Mrs. Mallieve Breeding. She led a community effort to save the butterflies here.
Believing a garden should be "a thing of beauty as well as a thing of conservation," Mrs. Breeding spoke to civic clubs, schools, the city council and anyone who would listen. She explained that butterflies are a sign of a healthy environment, but pollution, overly aggressive mosquito control and lawn care are some of the means that destroy butterfly habitats.
Today, there is a Mallieve Breeding Butterfly Garden at the School of Discovery. Wildflowers have been planted along U.S. Highway 80, and Mrs. Breeding - now a well-known butterfly consultant - remains Madame Butterfly, even to adults who first heard her appeals when they were school children.
Butterflies need trees, flowers and other plants that support the four stages of metamorphosis from egg laying to food to pollination. They also thrive in areas where they can access water in shallow pans and and stones in sunny areas. Sunlight is necessary for nectar production, and butterflies require warmth to maintain temperature.
Trees in the Selma area include: poplar, ash, crabapple, dogwood, oak, persimmon and pear.
Flowering annuals are: marigold, ageratum, salvia, delphinium, impatiens and pansy.
Flowering perennials: daylily, hibiscus, goldenrod, lantana, periwinkle, zinnia, verbena, butterfly weed, canna and black-eyed susan
Herbs include: parsley, mint, chives, onion and rosemary
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Defending Selma
Final preparations are made for the defense of Selma in a re-enactment of the April 1865 battle. Confederate tents can be seen in the background. This photo is from a previous re-enactment.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Bridge to the Battlefield
Battle of Selma reenactors cross the covered bridge into Riverside Park. The bridge was constructed across Valley Creek and leads from a parking area, playground and walking track in Valley Creek Park to the Battle of Selma battlefield. The main battle re-enactment is on Sunday afternoon.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Top Tunes of the 1860s
Music of the 1860s came alive Friday as school children from across the region attended the Battle of Selma Living History Tour. This musician played and sang Ol' Dan Tucker and Goober Peas as students clapped and sang along. Other demonstrations included a spinning wheel, cannon artillery and riflery, a working military campsite and battle flags history.
Living History Tour photo album
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Storm Tracking
Dallas County WalkAmerica
This March of Dimes billboard on Jeff Davis Avenue caught my attention since our family has experienced the effects of prematurity. If I could sponsor my own billboard, it might read something like this:
MOMs: See a doctor; report unusual symptoms.
OBs: Listen to the moms; check out symptoms.
NEOs: Keep in touch with pediatricians once the baby goes home.
PEDs: Listen to the neos. Stay on top of preemie issues.
PARENTs: Seek second, even third opinions from physicians.
NICUs: Please sponsor followup clinics well past age 2.
EDUCATORS: Babies are saved at ever-earlier gestations. Be prepared; you will teach more preemies.
MOD: Thanks for raising prematurity awareness. Remember the BASICS.
Monday, April 9, 2007
"MY! What a big birdbath we have!"That seems to be the thought of this feathered friend who stopped to perch upon the park bench and check out the city fountain.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Tutu's Market
I stopped here on Friday to pick up a few Easter basket goodies, and everything was so colorful - just had to take a picture. This is Tutu's Market, a fruit-vegetable-flower-gift shop. The hot-pink plastic awning lets the sun shine through, giving the merchandise that bright glow. There are lots of unique items from baby, graduation, Easter and other special occasion gifts.
He is Risen!
"He is Risen!" is the Easter proclamation today in Christian churches all over the world.
Here, a stained-glass window at Selma's Church Street United Methodist Church depicts Christ's invitation to "Come Unto Me."
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Common Ground
"Stop and consider life is but a day.
A fragile dewdrop on its perilous way
From a tree's summit."
So reads one faded etching on a monument in Selma's "outdoor museum" known as Old Live Oak Cemetery.
Another tells about a 15-year-old boy "who was fatally injured in the railraod disaster at Dunklin Bridge, Feb. 21, 1879."
A marble lamb with broken feet lies next to this inscription:
"Beneath this stone in sweet repose is laid a mother's dearest pride."
An infant rests there.
A spire memorializes "Our Pastor...who fell at the Battle of Selma, April 2, 1865."
Elsewhere, sculpted crosses, angels, mausoleums and markers denote the contributions of the town's former citizens: mothers who died suddenly, children who succumbed to infectious disease, scores of Confederate soldiers, a former slave who became the state's first black congressman, the first woman (a Suffragette) elected to the state legislature, U.S. senators, a U.S. vice president and founder of Selma, a naval commander.
"There is glory in graves," read the words on the towering monument above them all...and all share common ground now - near the high banks of the Alabama River.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Good Friday Cross
"By now it was noon, and darkness fell across the whole land for three hours, until three o'clock. The light from the sun was gone...and suddenly the thick veil hanging in the Temple split apart. Then Jesus shouted, 'Father, I commit my spirit to you,' and with those words he died."
The photograph of a cross monument laden with Spanish Moss was taken at Old Live Oak Cemetery.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
April and Azaleas
If it's April in Selma, then there must be azaleas. Looking down an Old Town street, this yard and many others are banked with the showy flower. But watch out! A freeze may be coming this weekend. Glad I have already caught most of the Spring Show on camera.