Saturday, June 30, 2012

Patriotic Series, Getting in the Spirit

The American flag and red, white and blue decor are going up
 all over town ahead of Independence Day on July 4. The deco mesh wreaths 
 such as the one on the gate are very popular for the USA's 236th birthday.

Founders' Quote: 
"The only foundation of a free Constitution, is pure virtue, and if this cannot be inspired
 into our people, in a greater measure than they have it now, they may change their
 rulers, and the forms of government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty."
...John Adams (1776)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

This is My Father's World

While heading over to Papa's house for Fathers' Day, we listened to the radio broadcast
of services at Valley Grande Baptist Church. As the congregation sang 
"This is My Father's World," I took the camera and snapped a picture
 of "my Father's world." What a gorgeous day!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Scarf Heaven

Scarves are such a fashion statement these days,
 but I bet you've never had one like these!

These nuno felted scarves, which were for sale at StreetFest last month,
 are made by placing wool on another material such as silk, cotton gauze or tulle
 and "beating the ever livin' stew out of the wool," according to artist/designer
 A.C. Reeves. Reeves says it's a "crazy process," and she also likes to work "scraps
" of "a little something special" into the design. So, you might find pieces
 of vintage quilts, cocktail napkins or whatever happens
 to be "floating around" in the design.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Ye Olde Tin Cans

If you remember when crackers came in tin cans,
 then you just MIGHT be as old as me!
I spotted these cans in a cardboard box on the floor
 of a local indoor flea market. If I didn't already have
 my mother's Premium Saltine cracker can, I would have
 bought one, because they are the best containers
 for keeping crackers fresh!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Cover Call

Thanks to AT&T for selecting a picture that first debuted
 in the Selma, Ala., Photo Blog for the cover of its 2012-13 phone book! 
Wow! I'm honored to see this picture of Selma City Hall
 every time I pick up the phone book.  Those pretty pink flowers
 in the foreground are Knockout Roses on the corner
 of the First Baptist Church parking lot.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday Morning Traveler

No wonder my cats appeared fearful at the back door awhile ago! 
A monster turtle tried to tree them!

More "beasts" over HERE at Camera Critters