Okay, so somebody doubled up on the pasta and fried food at lunch!
This meat-and-three meal at Richard's Cafe in downtown Selma is typical Deep South fare: fried U.S. farm-raised catfish, fried okra, macaroni and cheese and marinated pasta salad.
One evening last week, the sky took on a strange yellow-orange glow just before sunset. The color of everything outside, such as these crepe myrtles, intensified as if super-saturated. There was a storm to the northeast, so I'm sure the combination of a setting sun and a moving storm system is responsible for the effect.
Cotton is blooming but wilting in the extreme heat. Hopefully, this field was fortunate enough to catch some of the heavy showers that moved through this week!
Vaughan Community Health Services promotes healthy lifestyles, and here is one of their latest ideas. Take a walk around the municipal complex. One block is a third of a mile. So get walking!
This young mourning dove can't decide whether to stay on the ground by the porch steps or try to fly. His mama was perched on a nearby telephone wire encouraging him to spread his wings.
After you've finished walking the trail at Valley Grande City Park, why not rest in the shade at the picnic pavilion? Better yet, wait for the weather to cool off a bit, and schedule a group picnic!
It's just beyond the sun-splashed pines, layering itself across the field between the walking trail and the church. Yes, it's another hot and hazy Skywatch Friday in the Selma/Valley Grande area. We'll consider our scalded earth fortunate if the mercury fails to reach 100 degrees F today!
I know this isn't a very pretty sky, but unless it's raining, this photo captures a Deep South summer in July! To find more dramatic skies, visit www.skyley.blogspot.com.
The area known as Valley Grande has been settled since 1821, but it's only been since 2003 that the town has been incorporated. This historic marker was placed at the city park in May.
Children and Fido are welcome at the Valley Grande City Park, but please read the rules: Supervise your kids, and keep your dog on a leash. Also, don't bring alcohol, and if you plan a picnic, clean up when you're finished.
Follow the rules, and the park stays pleasant for everybody!
Even on a hot morning, tall pines shade walkers at Valley Grande City Park and occasionally send a breeze their way. Much work has been done on the trail, and this week we'll take a walk in the park.
A pair of sculpted brick angels blow trumpets at the entrance of Valley Grande Baptist Church.
The angels were carved from raw clay by local artist/craftsman J. Craig Pardue. You'll also find his work in a brick storefront in Gonzales, La., where he used designs of pelicans, ducks and live oak trees. Another sculpture, donated by Henry Brick Co., is on the courtyard wall at the Selma-Dallas County Public Library.
The Alabama Criminal Justice Training Center is close to completion on the campus of Wallace Community College Selma.
Formerly housed at the Craig Industrial Park, the new location features buildings for state trooper and correction officers' training as well as this dormitory.
If you like peppermint, then you should love this amaryllis! The red and white stripes sure look like a sugary candy cane. The flower, which bloomed late this spring, was grown by one of Selma's master gardeners, Carol Henry.
The althea shrubs are making their annual splash around town, and while sometimes called rose of Sharon, they are not the same as the biblical flower of the same name. Wildflowers, possibly crocus, that grew on the plains of Sharon in Israel, may have been the original rose of Sharon.
Byrd School's live oak tree spreads shade in all directions in summer, but during the school year, it's known as The Learning Tree. A nearby plaque notes that the tree once shaded the home of Judge William Byrd, who "championed children's rights to a good education." The school, which serves elementary students, was established in 1916 and is located in Selma's Old Town Historic District.
Selma Art Camp II begins today at Dallas Academy. Like this young camper who created a woven bag in June, participants will have the opportunity to make at least seven crafts throughout the week.
It sure looks like the rare Cahaba Lily that grows in Alabama's Cahaba River. However, it was found growing in Old Town Selma. Could this be a type of spider lily since it's not aquatic, or is it a land-locked variation of the hymenocallis coronaria?
If you want blackberries, vine-ripe tomatoes and bell peppers, then the Green Acre Farm booth at the Dallas County Farmers' Market might be the place you want to be!
The market is open on Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday at the pavilion in Bloch Park.
These lily pads on the bank of a pond off Highway 41 display the softness of summer despite the steamy heat. Today's forecast calls for temperatures rising to the century mark.
We're leaving Selma and Dallas County today for a 30-mile side trip to the Wilcox County hamlet of Gees Bend, home of the renownedQuilters of Gees Bend.
The former tenant community is located in a isolated bend of the Alabama River, and the ferry saves hours of travel by road to Camden, the county seat.
To read more about Gees Bend and the ferry, check HERE.
Thanks to guest photographer Christine Weerts for the photo!
Hundreds gathered at Valley Grande's city park Sunday evening to celebrate America's 234 years of independence. Red, white and blue bows and banners decorated the walking trail's entrance. There were parades, games, food and a lot of meeting and greeting before fireworks began at 9 p.m.
Valley Grande celebrated Independence Day with a big fireworks display, preceded by a children's parade and barbecue rib cookoff. The walking trail offered games and a playground, and food varied from hamburgers and hotdogs to barbecue, funnel cakes and blueberry cobbler with ice cream.
Fourth of July weekend draws many boaters to the Alabama River, and it looks like several boats have gathered for a middle-of-the-river party and swim.
Guest photographer Christine Weerts sent this very seasonal photo. Thanks!
This month's City Daily Photo Blogs theme is "Reflections," so I searched my archives and retrieved this photo of a power pole and power lines reflected in a window at The Harmony Club on Water Avenue.