Remember the Little Lost Cat that was looking for food and attention? Here she is at home, peeking out from beneath a curtain. She joined two other cats already in our household, so it has taken awhile for one of the others to accept her and to complete the adjustment.
Meilleurs Voeux pour 2008 amour et tendresse, Amedée et moi te souhaitons tous nos vœux pour cette nouvelle année 2008. Alors champagne pour tous le monde.......
Best Wishes for 2008 Love and tenderness, Amedée and I wish you all our wishes for this New Year 2008. So champagne for all the world .......
:) Love the little face. Mine were a bit shocked during the night as the noise of the fireworks and crackers were clearly heard in the apartment - they didn't even come into the bedroom - which faces the street.
Her eye and black fur is in sharp contrast to the intricate pattern on the fabric that is partially concealing her. Very nice!!
Very cute shot. I hope all the cats in the household are able to get along.
HAHA, cute pic. I have four kittens that invaded my porch in the last week. I hope they dont all expect to stay.
Meilleurs Voeux pour 2008
amour et tendresse, Amedée et moi te souhaitons tous nos vœux pour cette
nouvelle année 2008. Alors champagne pour tous le monde.......
Best Wishes for 2008
Love and tenderness, Amedée and I wish you all our wishes for this
New Year 2008. So champagne for all the world .......
Evry Daily Photo
GREAT photo!
Quick Snap
This I Do...
very nice photo and i love the pattern of the curtain.
HaPpY nEw YeAr!!! Wishing you life's best this 2008!
i heart manila
I think she is BEAUTIFUL! and you've taken a GREAT shot here!
I'm so glad you've taken her in :)
:) Love the little face. Mine were a bit shocked during the night as the noise of the fireworks and crackers were clearly heard in the apartment - they didn't even come into the bedroom - which faces the street.
Happy new year to you and yours.
You took a wonderful photo; the colors are outstanding. But most of all: congratulations on your new baby, and blessings for taking her in!
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