The Iron Bowl
This is Iron Bowl Day in Alabama when the Auburn University Tigers meet the University of Alabama Crimson Tide in the annual college football rivalry. The winner claims "braggin' rights" for the next year, and Auburn has claimed 'em for the past five years. Selma is a traditional stronghold for Auburn fans since the late Coach Ralph "Shug" Jordan was a Selma native. The town also has agricultural roots, and AU was founded as a land-grant institution. Alabama has the law school. Both of our state's major universities are about 90 minute drives from Selma.
So which school do I think will win the game tonight?
Well, I predict that A.......... is gonna beat A............!
Oh, the game is known as "the Iron Bowl" because for years it was played on "neutral turf" in Birmingham where a statue of Vulcan stands and where the iron and steel industry caused the town to grow like magic, hence "the Magic City."
I was cleaning the closet today and just happen to pull out Bama football t-shirts that I didnt know I had. Didnt know it was Alabama vs. Auburn today. Maybe thats a sign......Like I should clean out the closet more often.
Awesome. Next weekend (on the 1st) is the Civil War game between Oregon and Oregon State. HUGE rivalry around the Portland area.
So was a 17-10 victory enough to satisfy the Auburn fans?
And did you by chance see the Razorback rout of LSU. What a game.
I don't understand anything in the rules of football :-)) (or is it baseball?). I'm such an ignorant!
Thanks for your comments! As Annie knows, Auburn won 17-10, and I think whatever team wins is happy if they win by only a point! The game is usually within a touchdown or less.
Annie, I DID see Arkansas rout LSU, all the way through the third overtime! What a game! I think McFadden gained some Heisman points yesterday.
Jim, wonder where you got those t-shirts? Guess your closet cleaning was a sign that Bama was going to the cleaners!
Hoodphotography, one of my sons used to have an Oregon State t-shirt that a visitor from Oregon sent him back when he worked at our visitor center. Maybe that's a sign!
Marie, it's football! I don't know all the rules myself, just enjoy watching the game.
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