Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Red Velvet Ant

Ever come across one of these critters? I did the other day when I moved a flower pot. It scurried out of a hole in the ground and then across the grass. So of course, I ran inside and grabbed my camera! Turns out it is called a Red Velvet and (or Cow Killer ant), but it is not an ant!
So, if it's not an ant, but it is called an ant, and it runs like an ant, then what is it?

Go ahead and Google it if you want to or just go to this link.

By the way, this insect does not really kill cows, although its sting hurts so much that it feels like it would kill a cow!


Rob said...

Wow, pretty ant, but colors of warning. Interesting little bug.

NorthBayPhoto said...

Yikes!! Looks like that ant means business!!

Anonymous said...

If it looks like an ant and runs like an ant but isn't an ant and you don't know what to call it....

step on it and kill it and then it will become.........
a DEAD ant!!!! (rolling eyes)

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Nah, it doesn't hurt much.

Janet said...

This is a rather devilish bug, isn't it? One of the websites I visited said they can invade homes, and it's best to get rid of 'em when you first see them. Don't know what the environmental folks would say about that, but gardeners consider it a pest.

david mcmahon said...

G'day from Australia,

I followed your link from Annie and the Little Rock blog. Loved this post.

It sure looks lethal. Wouldn't want to see one of those in the Outback!

Steve Cuddihy said...

Seriously, that's for real? Very interesting I must say. Nice find and lucky you were close to your camera for this.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I don't think I've ever seen one!

Janet said...

Slinger, this bug is seriously for real, but David, it isn't supposed to be lethal, just wicked! Of course, I suppose you could have an allergic reaction to its sting or something!

It is not really an ant but a type of wasp! The female doesn't have wings.

Annie said...

What a beautiful creature. I'd like a coat like that myself!

Anonymous said...

Wow I just killed two of these things on my patio!!!! EEEEKKK!!!