Monday, September 3, 2007

The Colors, They are A'Changin'

After such a hot, dry summer, the dogwoods are turning color extra early! Here is one of the dogwoods in our backyard. Usually, the leaves start changing in October or even November. I thought cooler temperatures had something to do with the color change, but we haven't had those yet! Nowadays, 90 degrees seems cool in comparison with the temps of a couple weeks ago.


FĂ©nix - Bostonscapes said...

The same is happening here. Some maples are turning color already. It's so weird. That shade of pink is lovely.

Annie said...

I wonder if it is the dryness that is causing this early fall-like change. I have so many brown leaves falling in my yard and garden right now and it does seem really early.

Anonymous said...

It might well be that it is a shortage of water that is making your dogwood drop leaves. It is happening here but it is our drought that is to blame.

Kate said...

Early fall is not greeting enthusiastically by me, altho the colours in your photo are quite appealing.

Carlos Lorenzo said...

Yeah pretty weird things happen lately with the seasons. Abnormally cold one day or extremely hot the next. Greetings from Barcelona.

Karlis Beinerts said...

It's always been a pitty to me to accept the fact that summer is over...