Thursday, June 27, 2013

Preserving Alabama Life on Film

Selma author, storyteller, journalist and photographer Kathryn Tucker Windham 
knew that taking pictures is about much more than good light and a sharp image. 

This  poster relates how she got a free Brownie camera at age 12 and later
 saw the need to preserve Alabama culture through film. The poster
 is part of many exhibits at the Kathryn Tucker Windham Museum in Thomasville. 

Today's digital photography allows many more people to easily and inexpensively 
preserve memories...if only they will download those photos and make prints! 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

X is for eXceptional

Mrs. Mary E. McVoy must have been an eXceptional teacher
 to have been honored with a plaque such as this! 

Anyone remember water fountains like this?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Zinnias Love Summer

If ever a flower loved summer's really hot weather, it's the zinnia! 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Old Bottles

So I love these old bottles (some from Selma)
 that are on display at Side Porch Sandwiches. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

First Day of Summer

It's the first day of summer, and watermelons are ripe!

This one was cut last week at the Selma Art Camp for a refreshing snack.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Courtyard Wall

W is for WALL, and the courtyard wall at our local library features brick
 by Henry Brick, and a brick plaque honors its employees from 1945 through 1995. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Heart Gallery Alabama

"There are no unwanted children, only unfound families,"
 according to Heart Gallery Alabama's display at the Selma-Dallas County Library. 
Heart Gallery's mission is to help find families for our state's children
 who are in foster care.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Under the Sea at the Library

Selma may be 200 miles from the Gulf of Mexico, but sea creatures swim
 in this saltwater aquarium in the children's department of  our libary.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

I Love Dad, Yea!

It's Father's Day, and here is just one of dozens of  tie cards that children
 made by hand at the Selma-Dallas County Library on Friday. 
They glued, colored and wrote sentimental greetings on their cards. 

I love Dad, Yea!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Courtyard View

From upstairs in the library, there is a lovely view of the courtyard below.

Linking to Weekly Top Shot and City Daily Photo Blogs

Friday, June 14, 2013

Under Purple Blossoms

Even on a damp day, this spot on the terrace behind
 the St. James Hotel is mighty inviting!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Signs, Signs (Imagination Summer)

June and July bring "Imagination Summer" to the Selma-Dallas County Public Library,
 and it all began this week with a magic show. There is something for children
 everyday, and that includes a petting zoo on the library lawn this morning
 and Father's Day crafts on Friday. Tuesdays are puppet show days,
 and Wednesdays are reserved for Open House Art. Events in July will include 
a reptile show, McWane Science Center "Diggin' Dinos,"
 pasta art and balloon magic. 

The schedule is available at the library's front desk or by clicking this link. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Perfect Perch

We're posting the letter V over at ABC Wednesday, and this might
 be a weather VANE atop Dallas Academy, or it might be 
the perfect VENUE  for a pigeon perch!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Charlie's Artists

It's Art Camp Week at the old Dallas Academy, and campers get to create
 3-D works under the direction of famous folk artist Charlie Lucas.
 Using a variety of  trash and trinkets that vary from sections of garden hose, 
old wooden forks, beads, keys and wire, these young artists got out
 the glue guns and went to work. Campers rotated among art stations 
and also made jump ropes, painted ceramics, decorated old cigar boxes
 and had pictures made in costumes on Monday.  

Monday, June 10, 2013


Coyotes, beware! Our daddy is here!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Spires of First Baptist

The Gothic spires and gargoyles of First Baptist Church - Lauderdale Street 
are especially beautiful in the late afternoon sun. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Queen Anne's Lace

The Queen Anne's Lace has been especially abundant 
and beautiful along the roadsides his year!

Linking to Weekly Top Shot

Friday, June 7, 2013

Highway Through the Black Belt

From this side of the barbed-wire fence and behind the tall roadside grass,
 you can see the traffic along U.S. Highway 80 through Alabama's Black Belt
 in west Dallas County. This four-lane road is MUCH less traveled
 and a lot easier to drive than an interstate.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The First

I love the signs that Kay Sasser Jacoby brought to StreetFest.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Once UPON a Time

Once UPON a time, there was a pretty little red-haired girl with curls
 and a pink bow and purple face paint!
 She was enjoying her day at StreetFest!

Linking to ABC Wednesday (the letter U) and City Daily Photo Blogs

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Jeanann's Wonderful Quilts of Color

If you have fabric scraps, Jeanann can use them!

Jeanann Syzmanski designs and makes these colorful quilts from scraps
 sent to her by friends from many places. This display was part of her booth
 at last weekend's World's Widest Yard Sale. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Quilted Cats

So what did I find at the World's Widest Yard Sale?

Lots...but I bought that cute, quilted cat potholder on the right.
 Many sellers set up booths beneath the pine trees out at Angie's Auction 
in Potter's Station. I never made it past that place! 
There were so many great bargains.

This year was the second for the yard sale that extends along
 and north and south of U.S. Highway 80 through central Alabama. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

St. Andrew's Church

This is St. Andrew's Church, one of the most picturesque churches and churchyards
 around. Located  40 miles west of Selma along U.S. Highway 80, it 
is a national historic landmark. Built in 1853 in the Carpenter Gothic Style,
 the design probably came from architect Richard Upjohn's "Rural Architecture."
 The style is similar to St. Luke's Church at Old Cahawba. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

June Theme Day, The Beauty of Decay

It's June Theme Day at City Daily Photo Blogs,
 and we are posting pictures of "The Beauty of Decay."

This tarnished cemetery monument of a young child in repose
 is a touching reminder of how fleeting life can be.

Linking to City Daily Photo Blogs and Weekly Top Shot