Thursday, June 13, 2013

Signs, Signs (Imagination Summer)

June and July bring "Imagination Summer" to the Selma-Dallas County Public Library,
 and it all began this week with a magic show. There is something for children
 everyday, and that includes a petting zoo on the library lawn this morning
 and Father's Day crafts on Friday. Tuesdays are puppet show days,
 and Wednesdays are reserved for Open House Art. Events in July will include 
a reptile show, McWane Science Center "Diggin' Dinos,"
 pasta art and balloon magic. 

The schedule is available at the library's front desk or by clicking this link. 


  1. I think I want to come spend summers visiting your library!

  2. I've give credit to the folks who put all these activities's terrific for the kids and for the parents.


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