Friday, June 7, 2013

Highway Through the Black Belt

From this side of the barbed-wire fence and behind the tall roadside grass,
 you can see the traffic along U.S. Highway 80 through Alabama's Black Belt
 in west Dallas County. This four-lane road is MUCH less traveled
 and a lot easier to drive than an interstate.


  1. those clouds are amazing .. great FF shot. ( :

    enjoy your weekend.

  2. A beautiful composition.

  3. The road less traveled is often more interesting and fills the journey will memories. Often times we all take the express route and miss a lot of the fun that could have been. Nice image. Have a blessed week-end.

  4. Beautiful. I love the country colors.

  5. Nice shot of the fence and tall grass. I 've heard it's easier to travel Hwy 80. Thanks for sharing and have a great day!

  6. I much prefer the local roads. Some people are annoyed by the traffic lights and delays, but that's when you can see the charm of the local towns.

  7. Nice view...I would be on the same road as you. Much more scenic then the highways!

  8. This reminds me that when 1-65 was built, it cut straight through my Grandparent's property. They had a similar view as this from their house. Not what they had planned.

  9. You captured nature at her best as well as the other interesting sights.

  10. I love taking the blue highways rather than the interstate so you can see lovely rural scenes such as this.

  11. I much prefer these back roads... great photo!

  12. Lovely sky. Happy sky watching.

    My sky.


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