Sunday, June 2, 2013

St. Andrew's Church

This is St. Andrew's Church, one of the most picturesque churches and churchyards
 around. Located  40 miles west of Selma along U.S. Highway 80, it 
is a national historic landmark. Built in 1853 in the Carpenter Gothic Style,
 the design probably came from architect Richard Upjohn's "Rural Architecture."
 The style is similar to St. Luke's Church at Old Cahawba. 


  1. I love finding old churches- they have such a unique character.

  2. awesome place. would love to see more ... what a great details!

    thank you for linking up with us. you have a great Sunday. take care. ( :

  3. What a pretty church to see before I head out the door to my church!

  4. I haveen't seen this interpretation of gothic before but we are young in our study of churches--at least those of us who have just started participating in this meme. I'm really enjoying seeing the different styles of church architecture from all over the U.S. You can tell that the hand of a woodworker was involved with this church. Wonder if this is the original paint color?

  5. I would like to see more, too. Yet I love the perspective of this.

  6. I visited the link. It is a beautiful place! Twyla

  7. I think that "churches" would make a good theme someday.

  8. This is beautiful! I love the angle of the shot, too.

    Thanks for sharing it in InSPIREd Sunday. Sorry I am so late getting to visit. It has been a busy week.


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