Thursday, June 27, 2013

Preserving Alabama Life on Film

Selma author, storyteller, journalist and photographer Kathryn Tucker Windham 
knew that taking pictures is about much more than good light and a sharp image. 

This  poster relates how she got a free Brownie camera at age 12 and later
 saw the need to preserve Alabama culture through film. The poster
 is part of many exhibits at the Kathryn Tucker Windham Museum in Thomasville. 

Today's digital photography allows many more people to easily and inexpensively 
preserve memories...if only they will download those photos and make prints! 


  1. A wonderful project, one can only hope it inspires people of all walks of life to continue in Kathryn's spirit!

  2. Who knew getting a free camera at the age of 12 could launch a career? What an interesting post! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I sometimes wonder at our penchant to record every little detail with digital photography. Will these photos be so precious for future generations?
    Anyway, I have looked up her work and she sounds a fascinating woman.

  4. I would love to visit this museum someday.

  5. I googled Kathryn. What a remarkable woman!

  6. That's what we do each day with our photo blogs. Preserve a bit of our life and community for posterity.


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