If you look just above the treetops near the center of the photo, there's an unidentified flying object in the sky!
We saw this UFO last Sunday about 15 miles west of Selma along U.S. Highway 80. The closer we got, the more it looked like a balloon or a blimp. As it turned out, it was an advertising blimp over downtown Selma. That's the first time I've ever seen a blimp in Selma.
Happy Skywatch! To see more skies around the world, check out www.skyley.blogspot.com.
beautiful clear sky, i can see why a ufo would land there.
Pretty sky! Watch out for the UFOs!
Oh I thought my screen as a tiny spot..so it's the ufo!! ^_^ I just wonder if an ufo likes to land in a snowy ground? ^_^ Happy weekend!
Cool shot and nice sky! We only get those blimps around here when there is an FSU football game going on.
I love blimps - nice shot, sorry it wasn't a UFO! I see you have nice weather!
Three Rivers Daily Photo
Three Rivers, this was taken last Sunday, and it was nice but COLD.
Hahaha! I'm glad it turned out to NOT be something scary. The sky is such a clear blue but this time of year that usually means it's cold, at least here in Ontario.
Another UFO sighting explained!
Your photo really had an interesting viewpoint! Nice capture. Thanks for sharing--glad it was only a blimp :O)
Where the highway bends
is where my journey takes me—
I see no farther.
Chilling grey sky!
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