This adorable shaggy dog is a frequent guest in our backyard. He's all bark and no bite, but my camera caught him off guard, and this is one of the few times that I've seen him standing still!
To see more animals from all over, head on over to Camera Critters.
He looks like he could go 100 mph, tail wagging the entire time.
So, what did you offer to get that great pose? S/he looks pretty anticipatory.
What a little cutie.
Kate, I didn't have to even offer a dog bone! S/he stopped to look at my camera pointing at h/im.
What a cutie :)
Thanks for stopping by :)
Thank you for your comment on Country Captures. I popped over to say thanks and was totally enthralled by the amazing powerful image you posted on 1-15!
I remember that movie!!! HA
Oh! How adorable...
Now go fetch some bone :)
He is adorable!
Ha! He looks like he's wondering what you're doing!
What a cutie! He looks like he's expecting a treat.
What a sweet "guest".
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