Friday, April 11, 2008

Cirrus in the Sky (Skywatch Friday)

High, wispy cirrus clouds seem to fly across the sky last Sunday at Marion Junction, a community west of Selma.

Often called mares' tails, the resemblance is achieved from patterns of ice crystals high in the atmosphere.

After a stormy Friday and rainy Saturday, this sky was more than welcome!

Visit other Skywatch Friday photos at this Skywatch link.


lv2scpbk said...

Nice photo, I like the clouds.

Rose said...

I want to come go for a walk in this photo!

Rose said...

Hi were thanking me for the camera settings. I wanted to tell you that my iso speed was 200 and the aperture was 5.6...I wanted to get more pictures but the clouds came and covered up the moon. If you try some shots, try different settings...I did get one other shot that I could use adding fill flash but two others were just black.

smilnsigh said...



Daniel J Santos said...

Great picture, well done.

Unknown said...

Great photo!

Tom said...

Now this look much nicer to be out in than your last weeks... I'll remove that one for you..

Thank you for taking part again.. and for your comment

FO - 2 said...

The colours are so strong.
Wishing you a nice weekend.

SandyCarlson said...

I think I can smell that beautiful grass--and what a sky!

Champ Townboy said...

Great shot! Love it and the scene beneath!

Anne-Berit said...

Beautiful photo,love it!

Pappy said...

Greetings from deep south Texas. Thanks for coming by. I am a native Mississippian by birth. I lived in south Mississippi until it came time to find gainful employment. I still go back and wander the back roads every few years. You have a very appealing blog. I'll try and come back soon.

dot said...

Nice shot of green with the blue sky! Hope your weather hasn't been too stormy over that way.

marley said...

This is a stunning photo!

sonia a. mascaro said...

Beautiful photo!

Misty DawnS said...

Such a pretty shot with beautiful colors.

Stacey Olson said...

Beautiful sky post, Thanks for sharing!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Selma: Lovely SWF photo. Everything is so crystal clear with the wispy cirrus clouds.
I'm glad you liked my music.

CloudStalker said...

Nice capture! I love your blog!

Southern Heart said...

Very nice sky photo! (mine are never that nice... :)

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful sky !

Petunia said...

Nice one:)

Petunia's SWF

Andree said...

The green on the road is brillliant. The clouds are great, and I appreciate you telling me their name and how they are made.

Ann (MobayDP) said...


Anne-Berit said...

Hallo,thank you for stopping by Tittis Site,If you want to see my Sky Watch post,you have to go to my other blog,"Mitt glade(hunde)liv" on:
Mitt glade hunde liv meens in English:My happy(Dog)life.Have a nice day!

Texas Travelers said...

I don't know how I missed this. Nice photo and explanation. I've added you to my "Check it out - Favorites" blog roll so I won't miss anything else.

You have a very interesting site.

Great Job.
