These cattle are "hunkering down" as the first big rain shower in months pours a good half inch or more of H2O on some parched pasture near Selma. The area received a lot more rain Sunday when the chance was 20 percent than it did last week when the chance was 80 percent. But did it rain at my house and on my garden? NO! Maybe today!
I often think that whatever the weatherman/lady says, you should expect the obvious. Don't know of another profession where you can be that wrong that often and still have a job.
I hope you got some rain after all. We've had quite a good mix of rain and sunshine -- but not being a farmer, I don't know if it has been good for the crops.
I, too, have cows on my blog today, though they're not from Villigen.
There was a story in about the weatherman in Florida. They used one photo of a full size man with some papers in his hand. And they focused on a map while the cardboard man talked. It was supposed to have been years before people questioned the station about it being a fake weatherman.
Sounds like a fake story to me too.
Nice picture of the cows. They love rain as do horses and most animals who live out of doors. Not hail or hard driving rain.
Hey folks, my house got a good inch or more of the wet stuff this morning! I escaped the deluge in this photo by staying in the truck, taking the photo from the side window. The cows were headed toward some trees, but the trees didn't provide much cover. After the storm, the cows were playful and kicking up their "heels." I will post more tommorrow. Thanks for your comments.
I often think that whatever the weatherman/lady says, you should expect the obvious. Don't know of another profession where you can be that wrong that often and still have a job.
I hope you got some rain after all. We've had quite a good mix of rain and sunshine -- but not being a farmer, I don't know if it has been good for the crops.
I, too, have cows on my blog today, though they're not from Villigen.
Argh, that IS frustrating. At least the nearby rain and fog provided a great photo!
aah. we had more rain than we could handle yesterday!
There was a story in about the weatherman in Florida. They used one photo of a full size man with some papers in his hand. And they focused on a map while the cardboard man talked. It was supposed to have been years before people questioned the station about it being a fake weatherman.
Sounds like a fake story to me too.
Nice picture of the cows. They love rain as do horses and most animals who live out of doors. Not hail or hard driving rain.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
They also look like they're formulating a plan....hope you escaped unscathed!
Hey folks, my house got a good inch or more of the wet stuff this morning!
I escaped the deluge in this photo by staying in the truck, taking the photo from the side window. The cows were headed toward some trees, but the trees didn't provide much cover. After the storm, the cows were playful and kicking up their "heels." I will post more tommorrow. Thanks for your comments.
I really like it!! what a great shot!
Ohh! I love this photo!
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