I found this lovely creature out sunning on the concrete yesterday!
It is probably a black rat snake since he played dead, even when turned over. A black racer would have quickly slithered away. He didn't come around until I scooped him up with a hoe, toted him across the backyard and let him go into the woods across the fence. Even then, he just raised his head to see where I was taking him.
By the way, while he is long, he's not nearly as big as he looks in this picture.
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What a pretzel he's made of himself in this shot.
Brave girl. I would have run back in the house screaming. Snakes give me the willies.
Bfarr, Normally, I would have run too, but my cats were curious about the snake, and I sure didn't want the snake eating them! I figure if a snake can eat a rat, it can eat a cat, and I didn't want to kill a rat snake. I hate rats worse than I do snakes.
Great photo, even though I am not crazy about snakes.
Nice picture. I have only seen a couple of snakes here in England my whole life, they are really not common.
Nice snake! Thanks for ensuring that he got away from people without being harmed.
We have quite a few black garden snakes in our yard. They do help keep the mosquito population down and are quite pretty. Every once in awhile a little bitty one falls in the pool and can't get out and then me, the great hero, scoops him up to freedom!
Hi Jacob, Another snake handler in CDPB! We once had a green garden snake fall out of an oak tree during a birthday party. It fell right into a chair.
Sorry, but he looks real big and I wouldnt have been so brave.
You're brave than me!
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