Monday, December 8, 2014

An Old-Fashioned Christmas

Apples, oranges, lemons and limes lend color and natural "flavor" 
to Sturdivant Hall's Christmas Open House.
 Decorator Rebecca Bond Nichols of Shabby & Chic Events/Rentals
 added magnolia and native greenery, along with candles and lanterns
 to complete this mantel display.   

Friday, December 5, 2014

Ribbons and Wreaths

Sturdivant Hall  glowed Thursday night for its annual Christmas Open House. 

Ribbons and greenery hung on the front gate, and garlands and wreaths
 welcomed guests to its great front porch.

Linking to Good Fences

Monday, December 1, 2014

Sunshine Cottage

Sunshine Cottage in the Old Town Historic District may just have
 the most cheerful exterior around,
 and it's perfect for Monday's Mellow Yellows meme!

Thanks to guest photographer Christine Weerts for this photo!

Linking to 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Skywatch, Cotton Field Sunset

Can a field of cotton get any more stunning?
 That deep red sunset sure makes a it stand out!

Thanks to Christine Weerts, guest photographer!

Linking to Skywatch Friday

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Signs, Signs: Bama's Back!

So, with a win over No. 1 Mississippi State last weekend, Bama is back
 to the top of the College Football Playoff rankings,
 and I imagine that craftsmen of signs like these
 will be selling even more! 

This sign was for sale at the Orrville Tractor Show.

Linking to Signs, Signs

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

S is for Smokey the Bear

It's "S" Week at ABC Wednesday, and SMOKEY the Bear hopped aboard
 the back of this fire truck for the parade at the Orrville Tractor Show. 

The annual event attracts thousands on what usually
 turns out to be a beautiful fall Saturday.

Linking to ABC Wednesday

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Autumn Colors at The Brownstone Manor

Autumn colors were brilliant at The Brownstone Manor this year.
 Our world in the Deep South changed quickly,
 and this morning we are shivering 25-degree F cold!

Guest Photo by Christine Weerts

Linking to Our World Tuesday

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Maples Have It!

It's been an unusally short but gorgeous fall this year, and the changing colors
 of maple leaves were caught on camera by Christine Weerts.
 From green to yellow to scarlet,
 the maples may have won "Best of Show!"

Sadly, early freezes have claimed most of Selma's leaves already! 
 But I'll be posting more fall colors to help work our way
 through the hit of possible record cold temperatures this week. 


Monday, October 20, 2014

Tractors Will Roll

Antique tractors will roll Nov. 8 at the  
Sponsored by by the Orrville Volunteer Fire Department in cooperation
 with several other rural fire departments, the event also features
 live music and lots and lots of food.
 It is held at the Orrville Community Center. 

For info about the Minneapolis-Moline Power Implement Co., click HERE.  

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Covered in Cotton

What could be more beautiful than a field of cotton and a perfect October Day?

This cotton was grown in South Dallas County.
 The picture was taken by Olivia Watts and was originally posted
 to Facebook where it is drawing lots of likes and comments. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Autumn at Kenan's Mill

The festival is coming to Kenan's Mill!

Celebrating rural life and traditions of the Alabama Black Belt,
 the Nov. 1 event will feature live music, corn grinding, hayrides,
 mill tours, folklife demonstrations, arts and crafts and children's activities.  

This view of the  back of the 1860's mill is taken from across Valley Creek. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Pots of Gold

Pots of golden chrysanthemums and sculptures by Tin Man Charlie Lucas
 decorated the Carneal ArtsRevive terrace this past weekend 
to welcome guests for the Kathryn Tucker Windham
 The festival features nationally known storytellers
 and musicians and was founded 36 years ago.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Stories for the Children

Lyn Ford weaves a few of her "home-fried" and Affrilachian tales for students 
at Cedar Park Elementary School in Selma. She spent three days this week
 sharing stories with area school children as part of the
artist with the Ohio Alliance for Arts Education, Lyn has won several 
storytelling awards and will tell more tales at the festival this weekend.  

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Terrace Gate

If you see a sunflower on the terrace gate, then you know it time for storytelling!

Most folks around here associate sunflowers with the late Kathryn Tucker Windham,
 who founded the Alabama Tale-Tellin' Festival 36 years ago.
 The festival has had many venues during those years,
 and now it's located at Carneal ArtsRevive
 on the banks of the Alabama River. 

The festival is this weekend, so join us for some great family fun!

Linking to Good Fences


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Telling Tales

If you love stories, music and lots of fun, the 36th annual
 Kathryn Tucker Windham Alabama Tale-Tellin' Festival is this weekend. 

Last year, Donald Davis was a featured storyteller, and this year,
 three nationally known storytellers plus The Dill Pickers musical group will perform. 

Check out the details at the ArtsRevive website and Facebook page

Monday, August 4, 2014

One Fish, Two Fish

One fish, two fish,
Red fish, blue fish,
(plus some yellow fish!)

Dr. Seuss stories really come to life in the Children's Department
The aquarium is simply awesome!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Locally Grown

I finally made it to the Selma-Dallas County Farmers' Market the other day
 and BEFORE everything had sold! The peas and corn were already gone,
 but there were plenty of peaches, squash, okra, peppers, tomatoes and potatoes.
 Today, the market will be full of vendors for its annual Market Day,
and gift baskets of produce, flowers and more will be given away 
every 15 minutes until noon. 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Super Moon Rising

The Super Moon is rising tonight over Selma.
 It will be bigger and brighter early Saturday morning,
 but I might not be up that early! 

Linking to Skywatch Friday

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Z if for Alabama River ZEAL

It's Z Week at ABC Wednesday, and this 20-pound striped bass is just one reason
 why folks fish the river with ZEAL. The big fish was one of a pair caught
 by Barry Cole and photographed by his wife, Judy Cole.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Celebrating Independence

"I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more."

...John Adams, American Founder and second President of the United States

Thursday, July 3, 2014


As if crepe myrtle isn't pink enough already, the summer blossoms
 just glow even brighter at sundown.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Y is for Yummy Supper

What could be more YUMMY than a supper of local farm-raised catfish,
 garden-fresh squash, green beans, new potatoes and cucumbers...
all topped off with a couple of hushpuppies?
 It's summertime, and the cookin' is easy!

Linking to ABC Wednesday

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July Theme Day, Celebrating Summer

"CELEBRATING SUMMER" is the City Daily Photo Blogs theme for July,
 and I just could not find anything more fitting than
my grandson as he kicked up his heels in the grass!
 I've already posted it on my personal Facebook page. 
Now I'm sharing it with my Selma photo blog.
Happy Summer, y'all! 

Linking to City Daily Photo Blogs 
and Our World Tuesday

Friday, April 25, 2014

The Battle Begins

So what would you do if invaders were about to storm your town?

Back in April 1865, there weren't many able-bodied men left to defend Selma 
from federal troops, but the city that supplied much of the Confederacy's munitions
 was surrounded with a three-mile long semi-circle of fortifications.

 After a hard-fought but brief battle led by wounded
 Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest,  Selma's arsenal, naval ordnance works
 and many private homes and businesses were burned. 

The 149th reenactment of the battle is this weekend at Riverside Park.
Blue skies are forecast.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

164 Miles to Go

It's 164 miles from Selma to Alabama's oldest city of Mobile,
 and there is a lot to see along the way...if you make the time! 

 This route takes you through rural towns along Alabama Highways 22, 5 and 43.
 Just 10 miles down the road, take a side trip to Old Cahawba Park,
 the state's first permanent capital. 

Then, head back through Orrville and have lunch at The Hungry Fisherman
 in Safford, where you really shouldn't miss shopping for things 
you haven't seen in years at Safford Hardware. 

Another great lunch spot is David's Catfish in Thomasville.
 Order catfish with cheese grits, one of our state's dishes chosen
 to eat before you die!
 Stop at Alabama Southern Community College and tour
the Kathryn Tucker Windham Museum. Alabama's "Ghost Lady"
 and nationally known storyteller was born in Thomasville, then lived 
and wrote her many ghost story books and more in Selma.

The arts are alive in Grove Hill, so you might like to stop by 
the Grove Hill Arts Council gallery downtown.

If you enjoy hiking, birdwatching or wildlife photography, take a bit more time
 to visit the Fred T. Stimpson Wildlife Sanctuary 12 miles south of Jackson. 

On to Mobile!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

O is for Old South

Fashions of the OLD SOUTH is one of several living history venues 
at the Battle of Selma School Tours. Hundreds of students will attend 
the event which begins Thursday. This year marks the 149th anniversary
 of one of the last battles of the War Between the States.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Because He Lives


"Because He Lives" by Bill Gaither.

God sent his son
They called him Jesus
He came to love
Heal and forgive
He lived and died
To buy my pardon
An empty grave
Is there to prove
My Savior lives.

Because he lives
I can face tomorrow
Because he lives
All fear is gone
Because I know
He holds the future
And life is worth the living
Just because he lives.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Time to Plant

The weekend was perfect weather for planting the warm-season garden 
in Central Alabama.  However, there is a threat of frost by mid-week! 
Uh OH!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Confederate Headquarters

It won't be long before hundreds of students experience life in the 1860s

Here, a wooden fence separates Confederate Headquarters from the battlefield,
 and there is plenty of firewood for cooking. The headquarters is among
 several stops where children will learn  about medicine, communication,
 clothing, weapons, period music and more. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Signs Signs, Directions at First Presbyterian

Getting around Selma's First Presbyterian Church
 is easy with this outdoor direction tablet!

Not only can visitors view a map of the buildings,
 but they can easily see the office hours and times of services.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

M is for Magnolia

Although it's known as Old Live Oak Cemetery, this historic resting place 
is home to many magnolias too. The enormous trees provide much
 of the shade along the lanes. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Signs, Signs, Take a Break

Selma artist Clayton Cogle's "Take a Break"  painting takes us back to the early 1900s
 when Coca-Cola Bottling was located in a building near Water Avenue
 and Lauderdale Street. The mural on the side of the building was refurbished,
 and you can view it HERE

Cogle's colorful painting is on display
at the Alabama Artists: Roots and Wings Art Exhibition
 and Sale at Carneal ArtsRevive. The show ends Saturday. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Evening at the Bridge

With Daylight Savings Time, darkness comes slowly to the Alabama River
 and the Edmund Pettus Bridge. It is after 6 p.m., and the sky is still blue!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Elvis at the Rock n Roll Diner

Imagine my surprise when I learned that Elvis was appearing live
 at the Rock n Roll Diner! Well, that is what the sign says,
 and sure enough, Elvis himself showed up at Henry Brick Company's booth
 at the Alabama River Chili Cookoff.

 His appearance was enough to get me "All Shook Up,"
 and I FORGOT to take his picture!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

J is for JUMP

The Dixie Flips gymnastics team JUMPED upon the balance beam 
as part of their routine at last weekend's Alabama River Chili Cookoff.
 The Water Avenue event featured all the chili you could eat
 plus plenty of local entertainment. 

Linking to ABC Wednesday where the Letter of the Week is "J"

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Our World, Selma by Southwest

Besides tasting dozens of delectable dishes, part of the fun
 at the Alabama River Chili Cookoff is touring the themed booths.
 This one by International Paper took us to the desert of the Great Southwest.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Dance-Off at the Cook-Off

Sparky and The Cow were crowd favorites for the final dance-off round
 at the Alabama River Chili Cookoff Thursday evening. Sparky won out over 
The Cow (who won last year). The event brought crowds to Water Avenue
 to taste all the chili they wanted from dozens of cookoff teams.
 Proceeds this year will benefit the Cahaba Center for Mental Health. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Historic Selma Pilgrimage

Pink camellia flags will be going up at Historic Selma Pilgrimage venues
 early Friday morning. Since all sites on tour (except Kenan's Mill) 
are in town this year, they will be easy to find!

 Pilgrimage Package and Day Tour tickets are available today only
 at group discount rates. Check the Pilgrimage Facebook page
 and website for more information.  

Monday, March 10, 2014

Singing the Blues

"Singing the Blues,"  an acrylic painting by Sarita Gish, caught my eye
 at the Alabama Artists' Roots and Wings Art Exhibition Saturday evening.
 The show and sale continues every Thursday, Friday and Saturday through March. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Art for Everybody

Based on last year's show, I would say there will be art for everyone's tastes
 at tonight's grand opening of the Carneal ArtsRevive
 Roots and Wings Art Exhbition and Sale. Doors open at 7.
This show features the works of talented Alabama artists
 in an historic building by the river.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Signs, Signs, Selma Welcome Center

It's Selma's big season for tourists, and over the next several weeks,
 the Selma Welcome Center will host visitors from all over the USA.

Beginning this weekend, our calendar of events 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

H is for HIGHWAY 80

Here is HIGHWAY 80 on Sunday afternoon in downtown Selma.
 Known locally as Broad Street, the Edmund Pettus Bridge 
anchors the east end. Downtown will be much busier this weekend
 and part of it closed to traffic due to the annual Bridge Crossing Jubilee Festival.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

People on the Street 2

Keeping with City Daily Photo Blogs' March Theme Day of "People on the Street,"
 here's another. These men took advantage of warm weather and little traffic
 on Sunday evening to jog around town.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Blue Monday: Sunset at Sturdivant Hall

Sun-washed clouds against a dark blue sky provide a beautiful sunset

Saturday, March 1, 2014

March Theme Day: People on the Street

March Theme Day is here for City Daily Photo Bloggers,
 and we're posting "People on the Street."

Visitors to last year's Spring Pilgrimage enjoyed horse and buggy rides
 throughout the downtown venues, and it looks like they had fun!

Linking to City Daily Photo Blogs March Theme Day

Friday, February 28, 2014

Opening Next Week!

Opening night for the annual ArtsRevive Juried Art Exhibition and Sale
 is coming up March 8, and it promises to be another great showing of works
 from talented Alabama artists. The show will feature 130 pieces 
from 260 submissions and 60 artists.
 Held at Carneal ArtsRevive in an historic building 
by the Alabama River, the show re-opens free to the public from 11-4
 every Thursday - Saturday, March 13-29 and from 1-4 on Sunday, March 16.
 Works include 3-D, photography, oil, acrylic, mixed media and works on paper.