Thursday, March 20, 2014

Elvis at the Rock n Roll Diner

Imagine my surprise when I learned that Elvis was appearing live
 at the Rock n Roll Diner! Well, that is what the sign says,
 and sure enough, Elvis himself showed up at Henry Brick Company's booth
 at the Alabama River Chili Cookoff.

 His appearance was enough to get me "All Shook Up,"
 and I FORGOT to take his picture!


  1. haha that is funny, you were "all shook up" :D

  2. It's amazing! And I thought he was dead. But we saw him in Orlando a couple of years ago. And I did get his picture!

    I hope he sang "Heartbreak Hotel."

  3. LOVE the Elvis man! Your photo is great without Elvis, because it causes you to wonder, and look at the crowd . . . where? Where? Where?

  4. Maybe you'll get his picture next time he's in town!

  5. There's an Elvis who occasionally sings on the street here.


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