Thursday, April 24, 2014

164 Miles to Go

It's 164 miles from Selma to Alabama's oldest city of Mobile,
 and there is a lot to see along the way...if you make the time! 

 This route takes you through rural towns along Alabama Highways 22, 5 and 43.
 Just 10 miles down the road, take a side trip to Old Cahawba Park,
 the state's first permanent capital. 

Then, head back through Orrville and have lunch at The Hungry Fisherman
 in Safford, where you really shouldn't miss shopping for things 
you haven't seen in years at Safford Hardware. 

Another great lunch spot is David's Catfish in Thomasville.
 Order catfish with cheese grits, one of our state's dishes chosen
 to eat before you die!
 Stop at Alabama Southern Community College and tour
the Kathryn Tucker Windham Museum. Alabama's "Ghost Lady"
 and nationally known storyteller was born in Thomasville, then lived 
and wrote her many ghost story books and more in Selma.

The arts are alive in Grove Hill, so you might like to stop by 
the Grove Hill Arts Council gallery downtown.

If you enjoy hiking, birdwatching or wildlife photography, take a bit more time
 to visit the Fred T. Stimpson Wildlife Sanctuary 12 miles south of Jackson. 

On to Mobile!


  1. sounds like my kind of trip, let's go! i love the photo!

  2. I can't believe that I've never traveled this road. It's now on my "to do" list. Thanks!

  3. Nice! Sounds like a fun road trip :)

  4. Fairhope, there is much more to do that I didn't even mention! Another good side trip would be the Gees Bend quilts and ferry.

  5. I suspect I'd quite enjoy that wildlife sanctuary!

  6. I'll take the catfish and cheese grits please!

  7. Calling by from the Signs meme, based on your post I would love to visit the area you describe. :)


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