Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Y is for Yummy Supper

What could be more YUMMY than a supper of local farm-raised catfish,
 garden-fresh squash, green beans, new potatoes and cucumbers...
all topped off with a couple of hushpuppies?
 It's summertime, and the cookin' is easy!

Linking to ABC Wednesday


  1. I am getting hungry! Thanks for your contribution to ABC Wednesday. We hope to see you again in the new round!
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  2. My squash is late to come in this year!

    You are to be congratulated for not frying the fish or veggies! It looks delicious!

  3. Fairhope Supply, our squash is about finished growing! I broiled the fish and seasoned it with lemon juice and thyme. The squash is stir-fried with a little butter, onions and bell pepper...added small amount of water, then put the lid on the skillet to steam.

  4. And the hushpuppies are baked, not fried!

  5. Ooh ! That looks good, Yummy indeed! I love most fish but havn't tried Catfish, just not available where I live in Liverpool UK.

    best wishes,

  6. that certainly does look yummy ... I've been eating some veggies from the garden ... lettuce, peas and soon tomatoes and beans

  7. It's been too long since I had cucumbers.

  8. Yum humm, i begain to be hungry, with this foto


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