Wednesday, February 8, 2012

ABC Wednesday, D for Decorated Door

D is the letter of the week over at ABC Wednesday,
and this decorated door perfectly fit the specs!
It's all dressed up for Mardi Gras, but even without the colorful additions,
that bright blue door sure catches my attention!
Maybe I should pin this to Pinterest!

Catch more D interpretations over HERE.


  1. A brilliant color for a door; looks like it could be in New Mexico! The idea of Mardi Gras and Carnaval makes me happy!

  2. That is a fun door! I love the bright blue with the yellow walls, a cheerful color combinations. Yes, you should pin it! - And about yesterday's comment. What you said about the blooming things being like a Valentine gave me the idea to call them a Valentine from God.

  3. Yes a blue door would stand out, even otherwise unadorned.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. What a nice door ! looks a little "Kitsch", lol !

  5. That's a beauty!

    Dairy Queen
    Chubskulit, ABC Wednesday Team

  6. Nice doors. I can't remember ever seeing blue doors before.

  7. We need to link this this coming Monday to «Louis'» Monday Doorways.

  8. Hello.
    Love that shade of blue...I think I have a dress shirt in that color. Carnival/Mardi Gras are perfect opportunities to capture color.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Daydreaming Of Yesterday


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