Thursday, February 9, 2012

City Walk

Take a walk along the City Walk in Riverfront Park, and get healthy, Dallas County!

Posted as a contribution to Signs. 


  1. i love these little walk ways along the river! nice that cities do this!

  2. What a great place to walk for health and also to look for alligators and maybe a stray bull shark. I would be so excited to see (but not come in contact with) either of those! - Yes, walking is much better than swimming. LOL!

  3. @Rachel...stray bull shark???? Sure hope not, and unlike alligators I've not seen one of those in the river! But it is a great place to walk and watch the river roll by. :)

  4. I loveguidedcitywalks. Great way to learn about a city's history.

  5. This looks like a wonderful place to go for a stroll with you r camera in hand. The brick waking way leading down to the water is so attractive. I sometimes think city walks are just the because they always haves signs posted along the route filled with history and general information about the area. Nice post. genie

  6. I love it when there are pretty places to walk

  7. Riverwalks are wonderful - they can feel a little bit like the country in the city.
    Nice to have you joining us.

  8. so delighted I got to meet you today, glad also to discover your blog and to get to know Selma a bit better !

  9. Glad I got to meet you too, Anni! I'm enjoying your pictures of Belgium. Hope you come back to Selma when you get back to Alabama.

  10. I'm there! Love to walk. Or bike.


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