Confederate Roses are blooming at White Force Cottage on Mabry Street. The roses are a hibiscus and related to cotton and okra. The large blooms first open as white blossoms, then turn pink on the second day and blue-pink on the third day.
White-Force Cottage was the Selma home of Mary Todd Lincoln's (President Abraham Lincoln's wife) half sister, Martha Todd White, and is next door to Sturdivant Hall.
Well that's interesting!
I never knew a rose can be a hibiscus!
And I never knew Mary Todd Lincoln lived in Selma!
The CDP stuff is great!
Hi Jacob. Well, it was Mrs. Lincoln's half sister, Martha, who lived in Selma. Another half-sister, Elodie Todd, met and married her husband in Selma, a Colonel Dawson who was a Confederate leader. Elodie spearheaded the movement for a Confederate monument at Old Live Oak Cemetery, where she is buried. Truth can indeed be strange!
Did yours make it??
Hi Kathleen, So far, so good! Mine isn't blooming yet though, but with all this rain, it's growing. Thanks!
very pretty picture. and very interesting info!
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