Saturday, March 9, 2013

This Old Shed

Many Selmians remember this old shed as a heap of boards with a crumpled roof
 until recently when the homeowners restored it. But originally, this structure
 was built from a 1940's Sears-Roebuck garage kit.

It stands on the Kayser-Turner-Searcy property where the home will be
 on tour during Spring Pilgrimage next weekend. Come see!


  1. Very nice in b&w. I like those old Sears homes that you can find scattered around the country. I can't imagine many people ordering and building their own houses nowadays.

  2. Lovely photo. I like the shadows on the door wall.

  3. I really do wish I could go on your Pilgrimage next week. Too bad our Arts and Crafts Festival is the same weekend. These Sears plans are so interesting!

  4. Built from a kit? Now, that's old school, isn't it? Love this as b & w.


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