Thursday, February 14, 2013

It's a Heart Thing

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.
 They must be felt with the heart."
     ~ Helen Keller (1880-1968) 

Happy Valentine's Day!

The artwork is done on slate from an old roof and is on display


  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you! May you enjoy the day with love and laughter as well as a little champagne and chocolates!

  2. lovely - is this on permanent display or just for now?

  3. Gerald, this is on display probably until someone buys it. This place picks up stuff that others throw away and recycles it into art.

  4. Perfect for the day. Interesting that the artwork is made from recycled materials.

  5. oh i love this piece of art! happy valentine's day!

  6. Straight forward statement, simple image. Nice artwork.

    Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!

  7. When Helen Keller says something like that, one must sit up and pay attention. Interesting piece of art!

  8. i love this quote, great photo too. Sorry I'm late getting here...thank you for adding your wonderful blog to the Thursday Favorite Things hop. xo


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