Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Welcome to Spring in Selma!

I just can't get enough of Spring in Selma, especially its historic districts. The  Spanish Moss interwines with Bradford Pear first and dogwood later.


Kate said...

Your photo of those marvelous blossoms takes my breathe away@ PS. After today, come visit me on my Mazatlán, México blog!!

Anonymous said...

Gosh. We got nothing like this in Ohio. It is still in the 30s and the daffodils are not even blooming.

If you want to see what I look like and sound like you can go to my blogs as I have the interview posted on them today.

Halcyon said...


Anonymous said...

and here comes the Dogwood!!!!!

tine said...

Romantic place. Great photo.

Unknown said...

great capture.Looks lovely...

Shooting from the Hip
Chicken soup for the Mental Souls

Stefan Jansson said...

This looks great. We still have snow so this warms me up a bit.

Doug Hickok said...

I recognize this southern setting! It looks very familiar!

April said...

It's so lovely it almost looks made-up.