Friday, July 30, 2010

Glow Before Sunset (Skywatch Friday)

One evening last week, the sky took on a strange yellow-orange glow just before sunset. The color of everything outside, such as these crepe myrtles, intensified as if super-saturated. There was a storm to the northeast, so I'm sure the combination of a setting sun and a moving storm system is responsible for the effect.

See more skies at


  1. The colours both contrast and complement one another. Great photo. Ain't nature wonderful?

  2. Nature sure has talent with that paintbrush! You were so lucky to have that camera around.
    Joyce M

  3. The varying shades of pink crepe myrtle flowers against the peachy-pink sky make for a spectacular photo. Well done!

  4. You caught that golden light! I just recently heard it called the Golden Hour.

  5. Wonderful picture! It was very eerie when it happened. Am so glad you caught it's awesome beauty!


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