Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Does this flower strike a resemblance to nestled doves?

The Columbine flower is named for the Latin columba, which refers to doves. Apparently, the people who chose the name think the flower appears to look like five doves nestled together. The scientific name, Aquilegia, is derived for the Latin word for eagle, since the appendages looks like its outstretched talons. Others think it looks like a jester's cap. To me, it's as exotic as an orchid.

This purple columbine resides in the garden of Selma Master Gardener Carol Henry.


  1. I'm not sure about the doves, but the flower is lovely!

  2. Whatever they might have called it, spectacular it is.

  3. It sure is beautiful...I don't think I have ever seen one that color.


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