Friday, August 7, 2009

Skywatch Friday, Summer Rain

Looking toward Selma from atop this hill, there's a summer rain on the way!

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  1. Hey! That is an interesting view that I have never seen of Selma. I didn't know that you could see it from a high vantage point. Is that coming in from the direction of Prattville?

  2. Yes, it is taken from the direction of Prattville toward Selma. You can't see Selma from here, but we were headed toward it and the rain, and it turned out to be a gullywasher.

  3. Like the stretch. What's a gullywasher?! (I can guess though)

  4. Beautiful rolling hills is something I don't see around here. I enlarged your photo and I could see the road leads over the wonderful hills a ahead...

  5. How I love a good storm! Good thing, too, as we get lots of them this time of year in New Mexico.

    Thank you for sharing with Skywatch.

  6. Eamon, I imagine you guessed right! A gullywasher is a very hard rain that makes gullies where there weren't any gullies before.

  7. Nice view and rain coming indeed with those darker skies in the distance!

  8. What a bright blue sky before a storm. "a gullywasher"! Never heard that before, but I love it!!

  9. You got a very nice shot of the rain clouds approaching. We do not get enough rain here to capture a picture of. I do know what a gullywasher is though. I have heard that many times when growing up.

  10. The sky looks so blue...but you know your area better than I do so you know what a soon-to-come summer rain looks like. ;-)

  11. We've had a few weeks with torrential rain, like your gullywashers, but this last one wasn't so wet. Let's see how this weekend shapes up.

  12. I like this...compelling photograph!


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