Sunday, August 2, 2009

Old Tenant House

Old tenant houses in Central Alabama are becoming a rare sight. I snapped a photo of this one along Alabama Highway 14 between Selma and Prattville. Most of these structures were abandoned long ago and have fallen into disrepair or been torn down. At least someone painted this one and put a new roof on it.


  1. It looks sharp and snug, both at the same time!

  2. Oh, I like this! Reminds me of William Christenberry's work. Have you seen it? He takes photos over a period of years of the same buildings in rural Alabama and shows their decline.

  3. It does, doesn't it, Kate! Now, to get the weeds mowed!

    Nikki, I have seen Christenberry's work. I hear he took photos with a Kodak Brownie camera, then did his paintings from those, but the photos are worth a lot now too.

    I took the picture of this tenant house from the window of our truck as we were traveling, so I was pleased it turned out as well as it did.

  4. That is very interesting. Do you think it is inhabited?

  5. Love these kind of pics!


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