Thursday, June 25, 2009

Riverfront Park Master Plan

Selma has broken ground for a riverfront park. Kudzu, trees, bushes and weeds have been cleared along the Alabama River so that the first phase can begin. To see a better view of the plans, check out the City of Selma website HERE.

A river walk will be among the first sections built. Later, plans call for an amphitheatre, floating boat dock, interactive fountain, playground, carousel, concessions, aquarium and pavilion. Check out the flyer HERE.


  1. Well, good for Selma. I just can't imagine what the city did with all that kudzu. Am anxious to see the building progress.

  2. Looks like it will be a great development for Selma.

  3. What a great project. Even if it all doesn't come to pass I hope they foot path gets done. MB

    Love the old staircase. They sure don't build them like they used to. MB

  4. Riverfront park! Yeah! Exciting!!!!!

  5. You will love the river walk for sure. Ours is one of my favorite places to walk.

  6. Sounds wonderful. I'm always pleased (and usually surprised) when City Fathers actually put together a plan!

    They may not follow it, though, so I hope the community holds their feet to the fire, so to speak!

  7. Great picture! Best angle and photo that I've seen. Should have known you would get the best shot!

  8. It will be great when it's all finished! Our riverfront development is in process as well. The riverwalk is very popular.

  9. Oh, I hope that they will do it all soon. That would be a wonderful thing to have down there and bring new life to the area!


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