Saturday, September 6, 2008

Up to the Challenge?

These guys enjoyed their visit to the Selma Flea Market last Saturday, playing checkers on picnic tables while I suppose their families shopped.
When I was growing up, men played checkers or dominoes all over our small town...on tables in the halls of the courthouse and down at the service station. We played checkers at home, and when I got pretty good at the game, my dad took me to the service station to challenge the owner, who quickly cleaned up every checker I moved! It was humbling, but I learned even more tricky moves with which to beat my brothers at the game.
It seems that checkers is making a comeback. I'm seeing more and more tables set up with checkerboards, especially at flea markets, Internet cafes and antique stores.


  1. A great idea. It keeps hubby occupied so wifey can shop without a hassle. They need to put checkers in at TJ Maxx!

  2. Such a nice and relaxing photo. I've seen guys playing cards and checkers in other cities, but never here.

  3. Yay for boardgames in public! I've never played much checkers or similar, tended to gravitate towards things like Scrabble and such.

  4. Love this photo! Portraits to me are a wonderful way of showing one's city. You did a fine job with this one!

  5. Great photo -- and great game. Neat that it's coming back around town.

  6. That was funny about your Dad taking you there to play! I wonder if he really thought you could win or was trying to teach you a lesson.

  7. Dot, after I beat my dad at checkers several times, I think he decided I was ready to advance for the next level!

  8. I have not played checkers for a long time!

    I dont even remember where I left my checkers board. It's usually online games for me now. ;-p


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