Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Country Crossing

I made a trip to country to take pictures the other day and was delighted to cross this well-built wooden bridge that spans a creek.


  1. Very beautiful and peaceful! Good morning!

  2. This is a great picture. It makes me want to drive down this road and see what is around the bend.

  3. Lucky you. This is a great shot today!

  4. I was on the portal this morning and your photo is right next to mine. I was struck by the similar subject matter.
    We were on the beach on Sunday seeing what Gustav was up to. I decided to follow up on your Crab Trap recommendation and you were right, the food was wonderful. I loved mine. I took various photos of the weather, etc.,and put them up on both blogs if you're curious.

  5. I'd like to know what's round the bend too.

  6. That is such a lovely view--looks like a bridge from which kids would like to toss rocks in the creek.

  7. A very beautiful view. I enjoy taking pictures of bridges mostly old covered bridges but this would be one that would peak my interest had I come across it myself.

  8. What a fantastic image! This is stunning

  9. Not shot. It looks so peaceful.

  10. Great country scene, excellent photo.


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