Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Sleeping Prophet "Slept" Here

Upstairs, in a downtown Selma building, there once was a photographer, who...when he wasn't making portraits... slept. While he slept, his mind was able to contact all time and space and Akashic Records, or so he claimed, and he became known as The Sleeping Prophet. During these trance-like states, he is said to have conducted "life readings" of people both present and distant, diagnosed and prescribed cures for their ailments, and prophesied the future, such as the U.S. Stock Market Crash of 1929 and World War II. His "abilities" presumably included communicating with the dead and learning the entire contents of a book simply by sleeping on the book.

Needless to say, Edgar Cayce was quite a controversial character!
Though he died in 1945, his "readings" still create acute disagreement.
While he was active in Selma's First Christian Church, many Christians both now and then said his psychic practices could not have been of God. The Bible's test for divine inspiration is 100 percent accuracy, and Cayce's predictions did not measure up.
Neither did his "communication" techniques. They cite Leviticus 19:31: "Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God."
Yet, Cayce still has followers, and they maintain his records at the Association for Research and Enlightenment.
Many other websites review Cayce's works either positively or negatively, including:
Cayce Flim-Flam
Edgar Cayce: Sleeping Prophet


  1. I think the sign pretty much sums him up. He was a talented man or a kind of charlatan -- it depends on who is talking. I have read many books about him and accept him for what he claimed to be, though he didn't claim to be anything as I recall. I wish we had him here today because somebody needs to ask him where the presidents and would-be presidents are coming from these days.

    Nice post. I enjoyed reading it.

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  2. Very interesting. I love Abe's comments. How true!!

  3. one of my favorite things about selma. i can never read enough about edgar cayce.


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