Thursday, December 20, 2007

Red and Green

Downtown Selma is filled with red and green both with real flowers (foreground) and artificial Christmas wreaths with red bows. It's a festive sight, even on a cloudy day!


  1. oh, wonderful pic. This is great color and you have done a great job framing this scene.

  2. Red bows complement the flowers really well.

  3. The roses are spectacular - perfect timing and the music is a nice compliment to your photo.

  4. It's obviously still relatively warm in Selma then>

    Thanks for your pictures throughout the year, and for your contribution to the City Daily Photo network.Have a joyous Christmas and a Happy New
    from South Shields Daily Photo

  5. The red flowers certainly makes for a very pretty street scene and complement the wreaths nicely.

    I wonder of planting flowers like this can be attributed to Mrs. Johnson and her highway Beautification campaign in the 60's? I know there were plantings before then, but I don't recall as much of it before Ladybird.

  6. Thanks for all your comments.
    Clueless, I really hadn't thought about Ladybird Johnson getting the downtown beautification started. I do remember that downtown used to have some sticky evergreen bushes before they got these more colorful flowers.


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