Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Downtown Lights

The Christmas lights downtown have been sparkling since late November. On this particular Friday, the parking spaces are filled with cars of restaurant patrons and a Christmas play at the Performing Arts Centre.


  1. Photos de saison (comme sur mon DP) j'aime beaucoup les illuminations de noël, et cette grande rue illuminée est très belle.

    Photos of the season (as on my DP) I love Christmas lights, and this great street lights is very beautiful.

  2. i like the contrast in your posts . cattle and city lights .
    thank you for your visit

  3. Nice picture. Is that a Rexall drug sign? I havent seen one of those in ages.

  4. christmas! christmas!! christmas!!!

    hope you have a great one :)

  5. It is wonderful to see a downtown area filled with life.

  6. Thanks for visiting.
    Jim, yes that is a Rexall drug sign. I guess it's an antique now!


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