Sunday, October 14, 2007

Spiderman in Town...and Tagged!

Spiderman was spotted at Riverfront Market Day, and he was toted by a little girl dressed in pink!

In other Selma, Ala. Daily Photo news, this blogger has been TAGGED by Steve of New Orleans Daily Photo Blog. I get to list eight random things about myself that you might not know. So here goes:

1. Have twins and am a twin
2. Fan of “Dancing with the Stars” and have taken ballet, tap, ballroom, folk and square dancing lessons
3. Blessed with a wonderful mother who had a most gracious spirit
4. Most exciting assignment: President Reagan’s speech to the Alabama Legislature back in the 1980s
5. Enjoy talking to senior citizens who tell things the way they see them and are past trying to be diplomatic
6. Graduate of Auburn University…I predict a big college football cat fight on Saturday at LSU in Baton Rouge. Auburn will win.
7. My wedding anniversary is this week, and I am confident my husband won’t forget it.
8. I have lived long enough to experience hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, baseball-size hail and a Spring Break blizzard in central Alabama. I hope to never experience an earthquake!

Now, I am tagging eight other City Daily Photo Bloggers. If you have already been tagged, just skip this.

J. Andrew Lockhart at Van Buren Daily Photo
Chris at Nashville Daily Photo
Bill at Delta Daily Photo
David at Greensboro, N.C., Daily Photo
Z at Based in Villigen
Slinger at Twin Cities Daily Photo
Lewis at Selma (N.C.) Daily Photo
Susan at Maple Ridge Daily Photo

These are the rules.

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs


  1. ohh spiderman:) And where was superman and batman?:)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I wouldn't mind having a blooming tater and some of that fresh lemonade!

  4. Happy Anniversary to you, too! My cousin got married the same day as you. . .She caught the bouquet at our wedding!

    Out of curiousity, what do you do in the media? Print or broadcast?

  5. Thanks for all your visits and comments.
    Zsolt, I believe Spiderman ruled the day!
    Dot, I did get a blooming tater, and it was delicious.
    Chris, October is a near perfect weather month for weddings down South! I am in print and electronic media...worked for newspapers until I had children, now part-time freelance.

  6. Vey happy anniversary to you and your husband!

  7. Rambling, you've got some very interesting random facts there. If your husband forgets your anniversary after that, you'll just have to take his hands and dance him down the street.

    Auburn beat Arkansas, dang it.


I appreciate your visits and comments!