Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fabulous Shades

Even young children like Oldies music! The Fabulous Shades were among several music groups featured at Saturday's Riverfront Market Day in downtown Selma. The weather was perfect for the event: blue skies, low humidity, high around 80. Look for more Market Day pictures this week.


  1. Looks like there were oldies and youngies!

  2. Low humidity--I know how blissful that is for y'all and how much more fun it made for those enjoying the music.

    That little girl reminds me of the one I have in a photo today on my other blog

    She's way down at the bottom of a bunch photos, riding her tricycle fast.

  3. Oldies but goldies !
    I like the red shirt.
    Great shot.

  4. A great way to spend a Saturday, outside listening to live music.

  5. they are so nice to look at and i bet they do good music too.

  6. I see that you like spider webs also. Really nice picture, in fact all of your pictures are nice and colorful!


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