Saturday, April 21, 2007

Old Depot Museum

The Old Depot Museum preserves not only Selma's railroad history but the culture of the Black Belt region.

Inside, see relics from Native American civilization to the first Gulf War. Exhibits include arrowheads, a hand-picked bale of cotton with weigh scales, a "cadillac" of horse-drawn carriages, cannonballs recovered from the Alabama River, portraits of the town's five Confederate generals, photos and flyers from the Civil Rights Movement, a collection of late-19th Century photographs of tenant farm families, an antique portrait camera, old-time schoolhouse room and much, much more.

Out back, check out the boxcar and caboose as well as the Firefighters Building which displays Selma's first fire bell, a horse-drawn steam fire pump and an American LaFrance fire truck.

UPDATE: More information about this museum can be found at Things to Do in Selma, Alabama where my photo was published by a writer who did not properly credit Selma, Ala., Daily Photo.

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  1. Hi there!
    I've just discover your blog... and now I'm discovering your city... it seems there's so much you can tell about your little town! Interesting! and beautiful photos! Keep' on doing!
    Greetings from Madrid

  2. WOW you have such informative posts and I love your pictures. Plus I am envious of your lovely sunshine, although we have plenty of sunshine here in S Ontario, Canada, today.... but it's been a long time coming! One day I will visit Selma, I hope!

  3. Hi there. Thanks for your comments.
    dsole, I am going to try making my photos larger. I read your tips.

    Ex-shammickite, come on down. We usually have more rain in the spring, but we are having a lot of sunshine and hence a drought -- several inches below normal -- not good for gardening or farming or growing hay -- but great for photography!

  4. Thank you for visiting my DP blog and taking time to write a comment! It's the first time I come here and i discover beautiful shots about a nice city. I wish you a great weekend. Let me know if you meet some princes in your garden...

  5. I really love colours of yuour photos. This one is great !!!

  6. Hi Alice, thanks for the comments. The "prince" of my garden is my dear husband. He does all the tilling and weeding. I help plant, water, harvest and cook. We are very late getting to it this year. Our "last" (we hope!) frost was late, on Monday. Sometimes it has been planted by mid-March with no late frost effects.

  7. Fabrizio, thanks! The color on this one was easy! The museum is painted red, so it was a "no brainer" for me. I have taken photos for a long time, just never put a lot of thought into composition or lighting, so I am really just learning!

  8. Well done shot! Nice tones and good composition! :)

  9. The color really shows up in your photo.

  10. This building is treasure both historically and architecturally.


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