Friday, April 20, 2007

Looking Up

Take a walk around town, look up, and this might be the view...tall oaks dripping with Spanish Moss.
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  1. Very, very nice, thank you.
    have a good weekend

  2. There's one right outside my bedroom window ;-) And the Cardinals are pulling on the moss strings to line their nests...Not an easy job!

  3. I assume the moss is considered a kind of parasite except that it gets no nourishment from the Oak tree, does it?

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  4. Thanks for the comments.
    Abraham, as usual you are correct.
    Spanish Moss is not a true parasite, because it doesn't take nutrients from the host. Mistletoe does.
    It is an epiphyte and lives on the host and can reduce growth to the host (usually oak or cypress) by reducing its sunlight. In fact, it isn't even a moss. Wikipedia says it is related to the bromeliad. Birds like it for lining their nests. Unfortunately(?) chiggers like it too!

  5. That is a truly gorgeous photo...

  6. Beautiful tree. Love the romantic feel of this photo - so cool and peaceful.

    (Can't seem to log in and post with my Google/Blogger password so I've given up)

    Menton and Monte Carlo DP.

  7. Nice photo. You can almost see how big this tree is.

  8. Nice image ... and the spanish moss really invokes the feel of the South.


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