Friday, March 30, 2007

Vaughan-Smitherman Museum

The Vaughan-Smitherman Museum has served many purposes since 1847 ... Confederate hospital, county courthouse, Presbyterian school and modern-day Vaughan Hospital. Named for former Selma Mayor Joe Smitherman, today it houses treasures such as exquisite furniture from the Wilby Theatre, Civil War munitions that were manufactured in Selma, hospital memorabilia, military uniforms and railroad exhibits. The building and grounds are often used for weddings, receptions and civic meetings.
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  1. Awesome perspective! Love the tones.

  2. That is a beautiful building and you captured it at an interesting angle. Imagine the people who passed this place? Wow.Brookville Daily Photo

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  3. A beautiful southern Mansion!

  4. I love the angle of this shot, really wonderful!

  5. This was a hospital, where I was born in 1943.

  6. I was born there in 1949, I hate they tore the old port-i-co down on the south side of the building on Alabama ave.


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